Our goal is to distribute the highest quality products through our brands and offer a ‘one-stop’ buying experience for our customers. Brands are a crucial part of what makes Bio Living one of Australia’s leading wholesaler in the natural and organic health industry. We are exclusive distributors for an array of local and global brands. Our exclusivity as distributors for these brands means that Bio Living and our range of products are consistently on the forefront and we pride ourselves on distributing products for everyday well-being to an ever growing market of conscious consumers. Check out our brands!
Vanilla Mozi
Vanilla Mozi has developed a range of Natural Outdoor Protection that’s completely free from pesticides. Based on biomimicry, our unique formula containing Vanilla and Spearmint, masks your human scent to make you smell like a flower. This creates an innovative form of outdoor protection that’s gentle on the skin and a pleasure to use. Vanilla Mozi is safe for the whole family including babies and highly sensitive skin. It’s packed with nothing but lush plant oils, butters, waxes and essential oils that will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated.
To read more about the Vanilla Mozi story, visit
Venerdi Pure Foodie is where modern day baking meets our passion for natural, non processed foods. It is the brand of health focused specialty breads that also happen to be free from gluten, dairy and soy. Venerdi Pure Foodie is wholefood with the boring taken out. We put attitude, flavour, texture and extra oomph into each bread.
Venerdi Pure Foodie will now be the home of our popular Paleo and Organic Sourdough products.
Venerdi Low Carb Goodness is for people who are concerned about the level of sugar and/or carbohydrates in their diet. They can enjoy these products with confidence knowing that they will enjoy it, while minimising their carb intake.
Premium, great-tasting, low carb products that also happen to be free from gluten, dairy & soy.
To read more about the Venerdi story, visit